Snoop Dog OG (Indica


SKU: Green HouseToronto, ONSnoop Dog OG (Indica1/8oz (3.5g) Categories: , Tags: , ,

Snoop Dog OG marijuana strain is a 70 Indica / 30 Sativa marijuana hybrid. This kush was named after famous rap artist and marijuana admirer Snoop Dog. The herb is potent, with THC levels reaching 20% on average. Beginners should be mindful of the dose to avoid overwhelming couch lock. Snoop Dog OG buds are tight, colored in various shades of green, and covered with red-orange hairs. Snoop Dog OG marijuana is good for day and evening time medicinal and recreational use.


Type of High


Snoop Dog OG marijuana strain induces euphoric cerebral high, characterized by creativity and uplifted mood. Energizes the mind, prompts giggles and socialization. Followed by soothing body- mind relaxation, increased appetite, and laziness.