Silverback Gorilla (Indica-32%) AAAA+


SKU: Green HouseToronto, ONSilverback Gorilla (Indica-32%) AAAA+1/8oz (3.5g) Categories: , Tags: , ,

Silverback Gorilla marijuana strain is a Indica marijuana hybrid. The breeders of this kush are unknown. These cannabis plants grow popcorn-shaped, purple-hued buds with a coating of trichomes. A layer of amber hairs and resin is also present. Silverback Gorilla tastes of earth and flowers. The bud is not for everyone as it has 30-32% THC levels. Beginners should be mindful of the dose to avoid overpowering couchlock and sedation. The weed is good for night and evening time use.


Type of High: Silverback Gorilla marijuana induces moderate body buzz. Alleviates depression, stress and anxiety. Followed by body-mind relaxation & sedation. Controls pain and seizures. May cause eye and mouth dryness, paranoia and dizziness in larger doses.