Butterfingerz (AAA+) Indica-Dominant Hybrid


SKU: Qwikr Cannabis & MoreNiagara Falls, ONButterfingerz (AAA+) Indica-Dominant Hybrid1/8oz (3.5g) Categories: , Tags: , ,

Butterfingerz is an indica dominated hybrid ranging between 70% indica to 30% sativa. It has a committed 20% THC yield, but it is quite a unique and secret strain. Butterfingerz is deliciously smooth like a rich crystal butter, but ironically the smoke clouds thick, its creamalicious and has a hint of apple. The buds are heavy condensed balls with orange hairs and frosted crystal trichomes. This flower leaves you feeling happy, bubbly, chatty and extremely at ease and you may be quite hungry after. It would be perfect for treating various medical conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, or depression.